November 7, 2022

Running repairs

One aspect of life you rarely see in on-screen dramatisations of Jane Austen and other period fiction, is mending.   Yet when you read the novels, it’s obvious that women of all ages and classes spent a lot of their time doing it.

Mending is necessary, but has never been sexy, so if we can get away with it, we’ll do a quick running repair, so we can get back to the interesting stuff.  Until suddenly our mending no longer resembles the elegant well-fitting garment we first created for ourselves.  We’d be ashamed to wear it anywhere in public.

It’s the same when it comes to our Customer Experience.   As a one-man band we create an elegant, well-fitting experience that closely reflects our vision and values – ‘the way we do things round here’.  But over time, we patch it up, let it out or take it in to suit a particular expediency – until suddenly we find it’s looking rather shabby.

Much better to embrace the need for repair.   Make sure all repairs enhance the original garment and you can proudly leave them visible.   Part of it’s history and evolution.

Not shabby.  Just the most comfortable thing you can wear.