Discipline makes Daring possible.

Work, beauty, self-expression

Work, beauty, self-expression

Spinning thread by hand in ancient Greece must have been one of the worst jobs ever.

Slow, never-ending, ache-inducing.  

A chore.   All the more so, because as ‘women’s work’ it was almost invisible and under-valued too.

That didn’t stop women wanting to make it personal and beautiful.   So, potters made them these clay spindle-whorls.   Every one different.   Beautifully shaped to make spinning easier, beautifully decorated to make spinning a little more enjoyable.

Our work is what we make it.   There can be humanity and beauty in the meanest of tasks, if we allow room for it.

What if we decided to reward it?

Promise of Value Part 1

Promise of Value Part 1

In this episode of The Kent Business Podcast with Ben Abbott, we talk about our promise of value and how small business owners can begin to prepare for the future! Follow Ben on Twitter: Twitter.com/Maximum_MediaUK Use the #KBP to join the conversation!