Discipline makes Daring possible.

Nobody expects to get a complaint

Nobody expects to get a complaint

.. to get a complaint.

But you will.

How you handle it can make all the difference to your reputation as a business.

So, put together a really excellent ‘Handle Complaints’ process, and train every single person in your team to use it.

Download our free e-book on what good looks like to find out more.

And remember, all feedback is good.

I’d welcome yours.

Keep it real

Keep it real

Nobody likes being talked at from a script.

Nobody likes reading from a script either.

But it is helpful to have something to remind you of the things you need to cover in a conversation.

A simple Aide-memoire sheet could be the answer.

Download our free-ebook on creating Aide-memoires to find out how.

I’d love to know if you find this useful.

Get off on the right foot

Get off on the right foot

Is there anything more annoying than having to give your information over, and over, and over again, every time you deal with a new department or a new team?

Well, yes, probably. But this annoyance is easy to fix.

So, create a simple checklist for setting up a client, so their information is in the right place, right from the start.

Download our free e-book on setting up a new client checklist for more.

Let me know how it goes.

Develop your corporate memory

Develop your corporate memory

You probably get fed up of answering the same questions over and over again.

People get really fed up of asking them – over and over again.

Collect frequently asked questions into one place and make them easily accessible to everyone – including prospects and clients.

Download our free e-book on FAQs for more on how.

Let me know you’re doing.

Tell your clients’ stories

Tell your clients’ stories

If your service is at all complex, stories make it much easier to explain your value.

So, collect as many mini-stories as you can about how you’ve worked to help your clients, and make sure everyone knows how and where to tell them.

Download our free e-book on collecting client stories to find out how.

I’d love to share some of your stories – let me know how you get on.

Don’t let the wrong one in

Don’t let the wrong one in

Your time is valuable.

Your prospect’s time is even more valuable.

So if you’re not right for them you need to let them know as soon as possible.

Put together 3 questions that will tell you whether or not your business is right for them.

Then ask them as early as possible.

Download our free e-book on qualifying out to find out how.

Let me know how you get on.