September 18, 2024

It’s late September, and I really should be back at school…

I can never get to this time of year without that line going through my head.

Are you ‘back at school’, or did you never actually get a break over the summer?

If you did take a break, how was it?

Were you interrupted by calls from your team asking how to do stuff?

Did you check emails every day ‘just in case’?

Did you respond to emails even though you were meant to be on holiday?

How did you feel about being away? Relaxed? Nervous? Terrified?

How did you feel about getting back? Relaxed? Nervous? Terrified?

I spent the summer re-packaging my offer.

And on Friday 27th September I’m going to run my new free 60-minute workshop to give you a taster:

“How to take a break from your business without breaking your business (even if you’re terrified of what might happen)”

It’ll be on Zoom at 2pm London time.

If you didn’t get a proper break over the summer, or you have clients who didn’t, give it a try.

Find out more here:

And if you’re looking to take a real break over the autumn half term, maybe I can help with that.

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