I once failed to submit a significant piece of college work, because I couldn’t find a satisfactory way to join two paragraphs together. I got no marks, because I was overthinking how to get top marks.
If, like me, you like complexity, you like thinking, and you are prone to procrastination, it’s all too easy to get stuck when you want to be moving forward.
I’ve been stuck lately in writing my new book. “The Disappearing Boss”. Wondering if it’s too big, too complicated, too abstract.
Until this morning a good friend asked me this:
“What’s the least people could do to get to where they want?”
Suddenly the solution was clear.
Split ‘the book’ into more than one book, building on each other, enabling a Boss to take first, a short break, next a longer one, and finally to leave the business altogether.
The first one now has a working title:
“The Disappearing Boss: How to take a break from your business without breaking your business.”
Watch this space.
Discipline makes Daring possible.
And so does having really good business friends.