Decades ago, my older brothers were given the job of breaking up concrete in the back garden so my dad could lay a new patio.
They did a morning’s work, had lunch and started again in the afternoon. After an hour or so, my mum thought “They’ve been at it a while, I better see if they need a cup of tea.”
Then walked into the breakfast room to find nothing but a cassette player running.
They’d carefully recorded themselves in the morning so they could bunk off in the afternoon.
Corporate Rebels shared a Bloomberg article today:
“More than two years after remote work and hybrid jobs became widespread, there’s still a stark divide over how it’s going: About 85% of managers worry they can’t tell if employees are getting enough done, while 87% of workers say their productivity is just fine.”
With this admonition from Microsoft: “Don’t Spy on Employees to Ensure They’re Working,“
This is the 21st century for goodness sake.
Have we not learned to measure results rather than “activity”?
I can’t help thinking it’s management that needs an overhaul.
Hint: If you’re a micro-business employer I can help you with that.