“History will regard our era as troubled—but also unwise, strange, and foolish. Because of the above—assuming society was a problem that was solved, each faction promoting its own reason for the obsolescence of thinking about society.
But this question is eternal. How are we to live and die together? What will bond us? What endeavors do we share? What are our dreams—and nightmares? What aspirations link us, and what temptations divide us?
I can’t see an age where these question ever have what we assumed in the last one. Permanent answers.
The answers, rather, must always change. Depending on so, so many things. Economics, technology, resources, nature, and plenty more.
So we face this massive challenge in this day and age, which is thinking about society again.“
This is from a lovely thought-provoking letter from Umair Haque:
The Issue – How I think about Society Now.
It’s well worth reading the whole thing.
Neoliberalism is taking us backwards. To a society of aristocrats and peasants. I for one, want to go forwards.
I know lots of us are thinking about this, in different ways. Lots of us are trying do things about this too.
We’re not alone.
But are we enough?