August 19, 2024

How to trust your team enough to take a break

If you want to be able to take a break from your business, you have to be able to trust your team.

But of course it’s not simply a matter of saying “I trust you”.

There are shifts to make, that only you can make. You’ll need to adjust your relationship with your business, re-frame what a business can be, decide how you want yours to behave.

Once you’ve done this, you’ll find you can re-frame the problem, from one of trust, to one of communication. Simpler to solve, but still requiring a significant amount of effort.

Then you learn to trust your team by doing it. First by doing the least you can get away with to take a short break. Then, once you’ve proved it can work, handing over more, taking longer breaks until finally, you can take a sabbatical.

And along the way, you’ll realise that this process opens up whole new possibilities for your business. Possibilities you never thought could be available to you.

Discipline makes Daring possible.

Over the next few posts, I’ll outline how.