Now you realise your business is an entity in it’s own right. You can think about what kind of entity it should be.
Of course a business isn’t really alive. Only the people who make it work are alive. But if you want to be able to take breaks from it, without breaking it in turn, the best model to use is one that enables it to become truly independent of you *as if it were* alive.
So, is your business a vehicle for self-expression?
Should it simply be a machine for making money?
Do you want to make it an administrative structure for controlling what people do?
Or could it be a system, managed by the people in it, for making and keeping promises to the people it serves?
You decide.
I’m an anarchist, so of course, my preferred model is the last one.
Not just because it enables self-expression for everyone in it (including you).
Not just because it makes money more efficiently than other models.
Because it is the surest way I know of making a business truly independent of it’s founder, without losing their vision, values and intentions along the way.