May 24, 2024

News I never wanted to get

I was saddened to find out yesterday that the schooner De Gallant had sunk off the Bahamas.

I was devastated to hear this morning that 2 of her 8 crew members have also been lost.

We don’t hear much about shipwrecks these days. It doesn’t mean they don’t happen.

63 so far in 2024.

And sadly now 64.

One difference for De Gallant and these mariners is that they were doing something they loved and that they believed would make the world a slightly better place.

Another is that as well as their families and their fellow crew-members, the whole sail cargo community will remember these people and mourn their loss personally.

It’s a small consolation and a very sad improvement on the usual story, but I think an improvement nevertheless.

May they rest in peace.