April 2, 2024

New starts

I don’t know about you, but for me spring always feels like the time for starting afresh. For tidying away last year’s rubbish, for washing winter quilts, for reshaping the garden and repairing treasures I plan to use in Summer.

Spring isn’t really a new start of course, lots of work has been going on in the dark. It’s just that now all that work is starting to show growth.

That doesn’t mean we have to stop planting, or laying the groundwork for changes in our gardens or in our businesses. Plants and people are far more accommodating than we give them credit for, as long as you treat them right.

Pruning a tree that’s in flower may not be ideal, but it’s much better than letting it break under too much fruit. You lose most of one year’s growth to get even better growth in the years after.

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