October 24, 2023

Shopping around

Marketing a ‘brand’ is all about getting customers to stop looking elsewhere.  To shrink each individual’s market down to a single option.

Once a customer trusts what the name stands for, the Promise it makes, that brand becomes their go-to purchase, saving them the time and effort of shopping around.

The temptation for the brand is to take that trust for granted, and chip away at the Promise that’s actually delivered, hoping that the customer won’t notice.

Properly functioning markets are better for customers, better for innovation, better for small players.

It’s part of our duty as good consumers to keep them functioning well.

That means shopping around.

Try it.

You might be surprised by what you find.  You might find you’re being taken for granted.  You might find a much better value option where you least expected it.  The least that will happen is that your favourite brands are kept on their toes.


Discipline makes markets possible.