On the whole, I’m a pretty laid-back person.
But you know what really makes me angry?
Seeing amazing micro businesses die when their owner disappears. Whether that’s because they’ve sold up, gone off to do something else, or simply wound down and died.
All that innovation, all that care, all that value, wiped out. Wasted.
It makes me really angry. And I’m on a mission to do something about it.
Because all it takes to avoid that waste is a decision to ‘disappear’ from your business earlier, on purpose, replacing yourself with a flexible, supportive framework that enables others to be ‘a boss’ instead of you.
The irony is that by doing this in plenty of time, you’ll start to enjoy running your business again. You might even want to grow it. But you won’t have to be there.
Help me on my mission.
If you know an amazing micro-business that deserves to last longer than it’s owner, tell me about them, put them in touch.
We need these amazing businesses to be around for longer.
They’re what makes our commercial life worth living.