Whenever I put our plastic rubbish out for recycling, knowing that it won’t get recycled, but at best burned. I remember this.
In 1998 I visited a factory that recycled rubbish from the street bins of Barcelona into cardboard for packaging. They didn’t sort a thing. They took everything – paper, cartons cans, banana peels, everything.
They extracted the easy metals, then boiled the rest up, extracted the aluminium (which they sold to the concrete factory across the way) and turned it the result into perfectly printable, usable card for packaging.
Why am I telling you this?
Because sometimes we have had answers, but they’ve been sidelined or ‘forgotten’ by the system.
Maybe part of our job as responsible businesses and humans is to help people ‘unforget’ that other ways are possible. Or to imagine new ways that might be possible. And to help us act together, to change the system.
To which end, I’ve got a little involved in a thing called The Carbon Almanac.
“Because when it comes to the climate, we don’t need more marketing or anxiety. We need established facts and a plan for collective action.”
Watch this space.