March 19, 2020

Quiet reading

Following on from yesterday’s post, here are some suggestions for reading when things are quieter.   Hopefully the weather will also be fine enough by then to do this out in the fresh air:

  1. What to Do when It’s Your Turn (and It’s Always Your Turn).   Seth Godin.  Available from Porchlight books.
  2. The Three Ways of Getting Things Done.  Hierarchy, Heterarchy and Responsible Autonomy in organizations.   Gerald Fairtlough.  Available from the Triarchy Press.
  3. Change the Game: Share the Work. Building a business that works better for everyone (especially you).  Kirsten Gibbs.  Available from The Endless Bookcase.  Or come to my virtual book launch on the 7th April, and get your own signed copy!
  4. The Checklist Manifesto. How to get things right.   Atul Gawande.   Available from Profile Books.
  5. Holacracy.  The revolutionary management system that abolishes hierarchy.  Brian J. Robertson.  Available from Penguin.
  6. A Beautiful Constraint.  How to transform your limitations into advantages, and why its everyone’s business.  Adam Morgan & Mark Barden.  Available from Wiley.

Especially though I like today’s post from Corporate Rebels.  The Ultimate Remote Work Policy?

Everything above is about supporting and enabling that, on both sides.