January 14, 2020

Making better promises

Assuming that your Promise of Value is already in the intersection of things profitable and things useful, how do you make it better?

Here are a few ideas:

  1. Make sure you’re absolutely clear about who you are for, and who you are not for.   In psychographic terms first (how they behave, what they believe, what problems they see), then demographic.   The more specific you can make this, the better.   Why?  Because it helps you to really see, touch and actually talk to the kind of people you wish to serve.  And it helps those people to see that you are for them.
  2. Spell out what you really do for these people.   Who do you help them to become?  How do you help them transform?
  3. Surface more about how you behave as a business – your values, style, culture, ‘the way things get done around here’.  Probably the most overlooked part of your Promise, how you do what you do is as important as what.

A simple way to test the result is to try and express it in this form:

“We do X.    Y people do/achieve/become Z because we do.”

Huge thanks to the brilliant Bernadette Jiwa for this format.